

Chronic non-healing wounds can affect the quality of life. Coping with chronic, non-healing wounds can be both frustrating and time-consuming.

治疗 can be challenging and lengthy.

At our advanced 伤口护理 Clinic American Hospital, we are committed to treating chronic wounds through a multidisciplinary approach, with specialists from all aspects of wound care in one location, where you can conveniently receive the best therapy options for wound healing

Advanced 伤口护理 Service is available at 迪拜美国医院 to help improve treatment and your quality of life. 我们的门诊, 还有住院服务, are directed towards the state of the art treatments of chronic wounds,

so you may heal and return to a normal life.

迪拜美国医院 has offered advanced wound care services for the community since 2013.

Our professional staff is highly trained in the specialized comprehensive care of complex and chronic wounds, using the latest clinical tools and evidence-based practices in the science of wound care.

We will work with your physician to coordinate care and keep them informed of your progress.  It all starts with an evaluation and then treatment by one or more of our specialty providers and certified wound specialists.

Because every patient's wound is unique, you will have a thorough diagnostic exam to identify the type of wound you have and its underlying causes. By bringing together specialists from all aspects of wound care into one location, you can conveniently receive the best therapy options for wound healing. 我们的团队把病人放在第一位. Wound healing, preservation of tissue, and the prevention of amputations are our major goals.

 病人s will receive an individual plan of care designed to meet their specific needs.

先进的, evidence-based treatments available at the clinic, but also as part of a dedicated home care program.

  • 压伤/压疮
  • 糖尿病溃疡/糖尿病足
  • 创伤的伤口
  • 动脉溃疡
  • 静脉溃疡
  • 手术的伤口
  • 术后伤口感染
  • 恶性伤口
  • 伯恩斯
  • Ostomy care and Peristomal skin irritation
  • 蜂窝织炎伴开放性伤口
  • 辐射伤害
  • 昆虫/动物咬伤
  • 坏疽
  • 坏死性筋膜炎
  • 藏毛窦

The 伤口护理 Clinic provides state-of-the-art advanced wound care to help decrease the chances of wounds resulting in limb loss or amputations from these conditions.

诊断后, we develop a personalized treatment plan based on the most effective approach, which may include one or more of the following:

  • 局部伤口清创
  • 专门的局部伤口护理
  • 局部水肿控制
  • Local and systemic antimicrobial therapy
  • 血管重建或血管成形术
  • 重组生长疗法
  • 压缩疗法
  • Electrical therapy for complex wounds
  • Negative pressure wound therapy (Vac therapy)
  • 压伤预防
  • 营养 & 康复需要评估
  • 手术入院
  • 伤口处理的家庭护理
  • og体育平台及家庭教育

We are delighted to be able also to offer our service as part of the American Hospital 首页 care program and can treat you in the comfort of your own home

伯恩斯 are tissue damage that results from heat.

伯恩斯 can be minor medical problems or life-threatening emergencies. 它们可以由以下原因引起:

  • 热饮,如茶、咖啡
  • 家用电器
  • Open fire during recreational activities
  • 工伤火灾
  • 电气事故
  • 家中或工作场所的酸
  • 积极的美容治疗

In small children who have fragile, thin skin, the burn occurs faster and deeper.

The treatment of burns depends on the location and severity of the damage. Sunburns and small scalds can usually be treated at home. Deep or widespread burns need immediate medical attention. Some people need treatment at specialized burn centers and months-long follow-up care.

At the American Hospital, you have access to our burns specialists.

These are trained specialists with in-depth knowledge of the injuries and their treatment.

这些可以评估, treat and follow up the burn injury so that the complications of the burn stay as minimal as possible.

The earlier the intervention to assess and treat a burn, the better the outcome.

